New rules for visiting hospitals and care homes revealed

More visits can take place from May, 7

Visiting had been restricted - this nurse made a video of a newborn baby to send to the child's family.
Published 4th May 2021
Last updated 5th May 2021

New guidance allowing increased visiting to hospitals, care homes and maternity services will come into effect in Northern Ireland on Friday.

This will be reviewed after four weeks, with further relaxations being potentially made at that point.

All of the relaxations are subject to the area in question being ‘covid secure’, which means visitors need to maintain a social distance of 2 metres wherever possible, exercise hand hygiene, the area should be well ventilated, and face coverings should be worn.


One daily visit from two nominated individuals can be permitted at the same time.

Any child can come along with two parents, of two nominated care-givers.

The time needs to be agreed with the person in charge at the hospice.

Maternity services

A chosen birth partner can accompany the pregnant woman to any pregnancy related appointments and ultrasound scans.

They can also attend the induction of labour, the full duration of labour and birth and, for up to three hours after the birth.

Afterwards, one daily visit from one of two nominated individuals (from up to two households) can be permitted.


Two people can visit for one hour, twice a week. After a fortnight, this will be increased to three weekly slots.

The Department of Health says visits should be accessible over a seven day period, as well as after 5pm.

'Roles to play'

Health Minister Robin Swann said: “I fully recognise the importance of visiting for those who are receiving care. I hope this guidance will be widely welcomed.

“It is also important to remember that the threat from COVID-19 remains very real. Everyone has a vital role to play when it comes to safe visiting. That includes social distancing, hand hygiene and not visiting if you are feeling unwell yourself.”

The full list of changes for all wards can be found here -