Man charged with attempted murder after Clough burglary

The Northern Ireland Fire and Rescue service says it remains in place following recent gorse fires
Published 25th Feb 2018

A 35-year-old man has been charged with attempted murder after an aggravated burglary in Clough during which a woman was tied up, and a house set on fire.

The victim had been restrained by two masked men who burgled her County Down home at lunchtime on Monday 19th February.

The blaze was started in an upstairs bedroom and caused significant damage to the house on School Road in Clough.

She was saved by two women who saw smoke as they drove past.

The man will appear in court tomorrow, alongside two other men aged 27 and 30, who have been charged with several offences.

These are related to a series of burglaries in Castlewellan, Belfast, Downpatrick and Ardglass.