Loyalist 'supergrass' jailed for 6 1/2 years

A former loyalist paramilitary chief turned police informer has been sentenced to six and a half years in prison for 202 terror offences before he can be considered for release.

A West Belfast man's appeared at Belfast Magistrates Court over alleged child- grooming related offences.
Author: Naomi HollandPublished 29th Jan 2018
Last updated 30th Jan 2018

Ulster Volunteer Force (UVF) chief Gary Haggarty, 46, pleaded guilty to five murders as his part of a controversial state deal that offered a significantly-reduced prison term in return for giving evidence against other terrorist suspects.

One individual is to be prosecuted over a murder using his evidence.

Judge Mr Justice Adrian Colton said Haggarty's was a case of "exceptional gravity''.

"The fact he was involved directly in multiple terrorist murders must be an aggravating factor.

"He has been involved in a terrorist campaign over a 16-year period that campaign has resulted in deaths for which he was directly responsible.

"The organisation he supported and assisted has resulted in untold damage to individual lives and society as a whole.''

Such evidence provided a check against the belief that these people are "untouchable'' and major criminals may otherwise escape justice, the judge said.

He acknowledged those who become informers face torture and execution if caught.

He said Haggarty's was not a Road to Damascus conversion, rather one motivated by self-interest, but said he had given "substantial'' assistance to prosecutors

The judge said: "He has been involved in a terrorist campaign over a 16-year period, that campaign has resulted in deaths for which he was directly responsible.

"The organisation he supported and assisted has resulted in untold damage to individual lives and society as a whole.''

Such evidence provided a check against the belief that these people are "untouchable'' and major criminals may otherwise escape justice, the judge said.

Among those killed was grandfather Sean McParland, who was shot dead by Haggarty in front of his children to protect his position as an informer, the judge said.

He sentenced him to 35 years in prison for that offence. This was reduced by 75% for all assistance to prosecutors, then by a further 25% for his guilty plea, producing a tariff of six-and-a-half years in prison before he can be considered for release by Parole Commissioners.

He is also entitled to credit for the time he has spent on remand, awaiting sentence, a total of 1,186 days.

Among the five murders Haggarty was responsible for were that of "soft targets'' Gary Convie and Eamon Fox, the judge said.

They were two Catholic workmen shot dead as they ate lunch in their van in North Belfast in 1994.

The judge said: "The victims in this case were particularly vulnerable.

"They were deliberately targeted because of their religion.

"This was a terrorist offence and part of an ongoing sectarian campaign which rendered the offences especially grave.''

Mr Fox's son Kieran said: "You hear 35 years for this murder and 20 for this, you are thinking there is a possibility this guy could do some time.

"If you break it on down, he is a free man, he walks free, unreal.''

"What is justice in this country? It is just designed to look after the criminal,'' he said.

"How can a man convicted of that many crimes (202) be set free? The man is a serial killer, he was a paid state informer, he was allowed to kill at will, police knew he was killing at will and let it continue.''

He added:"You live by the sword, you die by the sword.

"All the families here today did not ask to be here, we were dragged into this through no fault of their own. The police could have prevented us being here today but did not, they were prepared to look after a criminal, a terrorist, back him.

"It just seems life in this jurisdiction here, you are dispensable, it doesn't matter, get on with it.'

Haggarty received the primary or longest sentence for the murder of Sean McParland.

The judge said he was a "willing and full participant'' in the murder in February 1994.

At Belfast Crown Court he read part of the witness statement from the victim's grandson, Michael, who was aged nine at the time and described the scene as masked gunmen burst into the house.

The judge said: "He could see his granddad in the living room, who had started to bend down and was flapping his arms.

"He was unable to speak because of a recent operation for throat cancer.''

Michael fled, then heard a shot and returned to see his granddad lying unconscious in the living room
