Leo Varadkar pledges commitment to 'protecting and upholding' Good Friday Agreement

The Taoiseach said he takes seriously his obligation to honour and implement the 1998 peace deal

Author: Chloe GibsonPublished 19th Apr 2023

The Taoiseach has pledged his government's support to getting the Northern Ireland Assembly back up and running, during a conference that marks 25 years since the power sharing institutions were formed.

Leo Varadkar also reiterated his commitment to "protecting and upholding" The Good Friday Agreement and said the eyes of the world are watching Northern Ireland as it celebrates 25 years of the historic peace deal.

The Irish premier also thanked international partners for "their ongoing commitment to the Good Friday Agreement and to Northern Ireland" over the decades.

"Special envoy (Joe) Kennedy's presence with us today is further concrete proof of this. A reminder of the opportunities that lie ahead, if we reach together.

"Last week, President Biden spoke powerfully of his, and the United States', ongoing commitment to peace and reconciliation on this island and for that we are truly grateful," he said.

"A prosperous Northern Ireland benefits us all. The all-island economy has so much potential to drive growth to the advantage of everyone in Britain and Ireland."

The Taoiseach paid tribute to the political leaders of 1998, noting that many have since died.

"They were architects of that better future and, on behalf of all of us, I pay tribute to them for what they achieved, I thank them from the bottom of my heart, on behalf of my generation."

The Belfast/Good Friday Agreement "challenged our assumptions of what we once thought possible"

During his speech at Queen's University Belfast, Leo Varadkar said the difficult compromises required were seen as "political impossibilities for many", but "vision, leadership and optimism triumphed".

"Leaders defied assumptions about what was possible," he said.

"They also defied those within their own communities ... who would have preferred to stay mired in conflict to avoid concessions or compromises."

"They realised that to see their way to a better future, they had to reject the divisions and differences that had kept Northern Ireland in what seemed an unresolvable impasse for many decades."

"These were not easy decisions to make and some paid a high personal and political price."

Mr Varadkar added, "Here in Belfast today I want to re-dedicate the Irish Government to continue to work with all the parties in Northern Ireland and with our partners in London to drive the process forward to the benefit of everyone on our islands."

"Both governments have an ongoing obligation to honour and implement the agreement and that is why I am so pleased to share a stage with Prime Minister Sunak."

"The peace process has always been at its strongest when the two governments have worked hand in hand. And Northern Ireland works best when the two governments work together with an agreed strategy."

"A partnership approach - often based on difficult decisions - has been decisive in driving things forward at crucial points in the past."

"To quote the Prime Minister, 'the agreement was born of partnership together', and I believe we can make the Good Friday Agreement fulfil its promise of reconciliation and shared achievement."

Irish premier Leo Varadkar was applauded as he said the people of Northern Ireland deserve a functioning assembly.

"The Good Friday Agreement was about defying historical expectations," he said.

"We need that kind of leadership still."

"Speaking after the agreement was concluded, John Hume said that 'unionists and nationalists have at last taken the future in their hands, they have seized control of their history rather than letting history hold them in thrall'.

"It is incumbent on Northern Ireland's political leaders today to take the initiative. To see past 'the shadow of the mountain behind'. To seize control of their history, to seize control of their destiny, and to lead their people into the future, and we as co-guarantors of the agreement will be here to help, every step of the way."