Joint remembrance message from Ireland's church leaders

Author: Tara MclaughlinPublished 8th Nov 2020

The leaders of Ireland’s main churches have come together to reflect in a joint video message.

This Remembrance Sunday, they are thinking not just of those who died in the Two World Wars, but to all who have lost in the battle on covid-19 too.

Filmed separately in their studies, offices and places of worship, the leaders of the Roman Catholic, Church of Ireland, Methodist and Presbyterian Churches in Ireland, and the Irish Council of Churches.

In the video, which lasts just under two minutes, each Church leader voices a portion of their 139- word joint statement to camera, over Elgar’s ‘Nimrod’, from the composer’s ‘Enigma Variations’. The video concludes with each Church leader saying, ‘Amen’.

The Statement:

“As leaders of the Roman Catholic, Church of Ireland, Presbyterian and Methodist Churches in Ireland, and the Irish Council of Churches, we reflect together at this time of Remembrance.

“We acknowledge the deep sense of loss felt by many in our land at this time, and thank God for a moment to pause, to pray and be thankful.

“We remember the sacrifice of so many in the two world wars and other conflicts, lamenting this loss of life on all sides.

“Further, we are keenly aware of the acute pain felt by bereaved families who have lost loved ones during the current Coronavirus pandemic.

“They have often been unable to mark their passing in ways which would honour their memory and help to heal the wound of their loss.

We pray for you in your time of distress. Amen.”

The Leaders:

Rt Rev Dr David Bruce, who is Moderator of the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church in Ireland.

Most Rev John McDowell who is Church of Ireland Archbishop of Armagh and Primate of All Ireland.

Rev Dr Thomas McKnight – the President of the Methodist Church in Ireland.

Most Rev Eamon Martin, the Roman Catholic Archbishop of Armagh & Primate of all Ireland.

And Very Rev Dr Ivan Patterson, President of the Irish Council of Churches.