'IRA still exists, but PSNI focus on dissidents and loyalists' - Chief Constable

The Chief Constable has confirmed his 2015 assessment that the IRA still exists remains the same, but the republican terror group is 'not involved in violence.'

David Young/PA Wire/PA Images
Author: Damien Edgar

George Hamilton told Downtown/Cool FM he believes the IRA is still here in part, but has a more political focus currently.

"The IRA, as a structure, we believe in part, still exists," he said.

"They're not involved in violence, as an organisation they're not involved in organised criminality.

"Some individuals may be and they may be foolishly using the name and brand of the IRA for all of that, but the assessment hasn't changed since 2015."

That announcement about the IRA's continued existence in 2015, which came in the wake of the murder of Kevin McGuigan, prompted a Stormont crisis, with some ministers walking out of the Executive.

However, despite some arguments over the validity of the claim, Mr Hamilton stands by it.

"We're convinced that mainstream republicanism is as committed to peace now as it ever was, we're going to call it as it is though," he said.

"I know my assessment is at variance with senior figures and their assessment within Sinn FĂ©in and the broader republican movement.

"So be it, we can disagree on all of that."

The much reduced nature of the IRA and it's lack of criminal activity means Mr Hamilton sees the PSNI's priorities more in dealing with other areas of criminality.

"I think we should focus our energy on those who are really causing harm within our society," he said.

"That's violent dissident republicans and some of these loyalist paramilitary groups that won't go away, that are trying to impose coercion and control and punishment beatings on their own communities.

"That's where our focus is and that's where it's going to remain."