Stormont: health and education services to benefit from multi-million pound cash boost

The funding will be coming from the June monitoring round

The health and education services in Northern Ireland are the big winners from the latest Stormont monitoring round.

The health and education services in Northern Ireland are the big winners from the latest Stormont monitoring round.

Ministers agreed to distribute £300m across the Executive departments - with £122m going to health and £43.7m allocated to the Department of Education.

The allocation is made up of £250m of resource spend and £50m of capital money.

Finance minister Caoimhe Archibald announced the outcome of the exercise in the Assembly on Monday.

An outstanding pay settlement for non-teaching educational support workers will be funded from education's £43.7m.

The department will receive a further £44.5 million, £29.5 million to address pressures in the education system and £15 million for capital works to improve the school estate.

A total of £35 million is being given to the Department for Justice while the Department for Communities has been allocated £20 million for new build social housing and £10 million for safe cladding works.

The Department for Communities will get a further £10m for discretionary support, which helps people with help with short term living expenses, and its Supporting People programme, as well as for homelessness interventions.