Group of friends row from Banbridge to Coleraine to raise money for young boy with rare disease

Robbie Trimble has KCNQ2 and spent the first three months of his life in hospital fighting with tonic clonic seizures

Author: James GouldPublished 18th Jul 2022
Last updated 18th Jul 2022

A group of friends have completed the ultimate challenge of rowing from Banbridge to Coleraine in the River Bann to raise money and awareness for a boy suffering a rare disease.

The 80 mile challenge was completed on Sunday after three hard days of blood, sweat and tears.

Robbie started taking seizures in the first 24 hours of being born and spent the first 3 months of his life in hospital fighting with tonic clonic seizures.

At 3 months Robbie was diagnosed with a genetic mutation called KCNQ2. The genetic results show that Robbie's mutation is "De Novo" something Robbie has developed himself and not something inherited from his parents.

Robbie Trimble

KCNQ2 Early Onset Developmental and Epileptic Encephalopathy is a genetic disorder that causes seizures within the first days of life and there are only 700 known cases World wide

There is no cure for the disease.

David Cromie was part of the team and is a family friend of Robbie's.

He said the aim of the challenge was "solely" to raise awareness and money for the little boy.

"By the end of the first day a lot of us were thinking 'what are we getting ourselves in for?". By the time we got in to Portadown there was a really strong headwind," he said.

"We set ourselves a target of raising £10,000 and so far we have about £4000.

David Cromie

"With the money from sponsorship forms, tractor runs and other events I definitely think we are going to meet our target."

David said it was great to see so many people out supporting and that the money will be "put to great use."

"I'd just like to thank everybody from start to finish," he said.

"Robbie was even there himself at the end of the first day and then he was even there on the last with another 60 or 70 people."

"I'd like to thank everyone who has donated, it will definitely be put to good use."

On Facebook, Robbie's family said: "Firstly we would like to thank our friends and family who helps us out every single day. Yous have been amazing support to us. We would be lost without you.

"Secondly we want to thank all the people who put all the hard work into making this weekend happen...from the facebook page, to t-shirts, banners and sponsorship form and all posters made,to following the rowers, to feeding the rowers throughout their journey, to turnings up on the big day and to all the incredible donations throughout.

"Finally can we just thank the rowers for taking on such a big challenge and absolutely smashing it yous little legends."

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