Good Friday Agreement: Former PM Tony Blair set for Belfast visit to mark Deal's 25th anniversary

George Mitchell and President Bill Clinton will also attend Queen's event

Sir Tony Blair who will be coming to Belfast next week for Belfast Good Friday Agreement 25th anniversary event
Author: Nigel GouldPublished 13th Apr 2023

Sir Tony Blair and US senator George Mitchell are set to visit Northern Ireland.

They are expected to attend a conference at Queen's University, Belfast next week marking the 25th anniversary of the Good Friday Agreement.

Mr Mitchell chaired the negotiations which led to the peace deal while Sir Tony was prime minister at the time.

His wife Cherie Blair will also attend the conference and take part in a Women In Business event.

The US president in 1998, Bill Clinton, and his wife Hillary will also attend, along with former taoiseach Bertie Ahern.

Queen's University Vice-Chancellor Professor Ian Greer said: "It is another major coup to have secured two more of the key architects in achieving the peace that we continue to enjoy for the Agreement 25 conference.

"Senator Mitchell has expressed his immense attachment for Northern Ireland and his return will be an emotional visit for many of us.

"We will have the honour of unveiling a bust in his honour in the grounds of the university which will further cement the great relationship Senator Mitchell has had with Queen's University.

"We also welcome Tony Blair who will contribute to the Guaranteeing Peace - The Guarantors section of our conference.

"Joining former US president William J Clinton and former taoiseach of Ireland Bertie Ahern, he will reflect on the magnitude of the agreement, how it was reached and the impact it has had on Northern Ireland."