GCSE RESULTS: NI students now to get grades predicted by teachers

It follows ongoing controversy over system used for A-levels

Author: Nigel GouldPublished 17th Aug 2020
Last updated 17th Aug 2020

GSCE students in Northern Ireland are to be awarded the grades predicted by their teachers, Stormont's Education Minister has announced.

Just days before the results are published on Thursday, Peter Weir has scrapped a plan that would have had grades calculated using a mathematical model that took into account the past performance of schools.

The major policy shift comes amid a raging controversy in Northern Ireland about the system used to allocate A-level grades.

The move affects grades issued by Northern Ireland exams body, the Council for the Curriculum, Examinations and Assessment (CCEA).

Downtown Radio & Cool FM spoke to parents about the change and they said the decision was a huge weight off their shoulders.

Alyson Watson’s daughter Emily attends Hunterhouse College, she said:

“Our daughter was very disappointed not to get the chance to sit her GCSEs as she was working extremely hard in an attempt to gain optimum grades.

“The news last week over the A and AS-levels really floored us and filled us with huge anxiety.

“So, it was with great relief that we learned this morning the results this week will be based on teachers predicted grades.”

Ian Ross’s son James attends Devenish College in Enniskillen he said:

“I’m a parent of a GCSE student who was awaiting results this Thursday in the exams and we were hugely worried by the course of events with the A-levels this week.

“Now were hugely relieved to hear that the teachers, the professionals, that have taught my son for the period of time at school are now going to be the ones relied upon to give him the results that they feel that he should have attained.

“He’s tried extremely hard at school and they are the people that know him best.

“He’s doing a mixture of GCSEs and BETCs which suited his interests so again, very relieved to hear that this morning.”

Jayne Thompson from Parentkind said the move was welcomed after such a challenging period for parents and their children (see below)

CCEA accounts for 97% of all GCSEs taken in the region. Students who were due to sit GCSEs set by awarding bodies in England or Wales will still be graded according to the approach taken by those organisations.

The Stormont Assembly is set to be recalled from summer recess to debate the furore caused by the standardisation formula used for A-levels.

More than a third of A-level grades issued last Thursday were lower than teacher estimates.

Mr Weir has so far resisted calls to void the disputed results generated by the A-level algorithm and replace them with teacher predictions.

However, he has now taken that decision for GCSEs.

The CCEA standardisation systems for A-levels and GCSEs were different.

While the A Level model took into account pupils' previous exam results, the GCSE algorithm did not factor in any data from students' past academic performance.

Instead it used data related to the performance of previous GCSE classes in the schools the pupils attended.

Critics of the process argued it would have been highly unfair for pupils' grades to be influenced by what former GCSE students attained.

Mr Weir said his decision would not delay the publication of grades on Thursday.

"Having received advice from CCEA and listened to the concerns of school leaders, teachers, parents and young people, I have decided that all GCSE candidates will now be awarded the grades submitted by their centre,'' he said.

"Standardisation is normally a key feature of awarding qualifications in Northern Ireland and across the UK.

"However, these are exceptional circumstances and in exceptional times truly difficult decisions are made.

"I am conscious that for GCSEs, unlike at A-level, we do not have system level prior performance data for this group of young people.

"I want to encourage as many young people as possible to remain in education or training post-16 and to know they have another opportunity to engage with education. I am also mindful that unlike A-level, many GCSE pupils will not have access to previous public examination outcomes to inform any appeals process.

"I have, therefore, acted now in advance of the publication of GCSE results to ease anxieties, reassure young people and their families and ensure that every individual candidate receives a grade that recognises the work they have done.''

Mr Weir said Northern Ireland school students had shown "incredible resilience'' through the pandemic.

"I hope that our GCSE pupils will now move forward confidently to their next step in education, employment or training with the qualifications that teachers or lecturers have judged were deserved,'' he said.

"I want to send my very best wishes to everyone who receives their GCSE results on Thursday.

"With regards to A-levels and AS qualifications, unlike GCSEs, they were standardised on the basis of candidates' prior performance in public examinations.

"I would encourage those pupils dissatisfied with their result to contact their school or college to work through the appeals process, which is free this year.

"As the appeals process is now underway, I am monitoring the outcome of appeals very closely to ensure that fair results are restored.

"CCEA has advised that extra resources are already being deployed to ensure that as part of a robust process the appeals will be dealt with both efficiently and effectively.''

Meanwhile, a CCEA statement said: "CCEA welcomes the Education Minister's decision following advice given regarding summer 2020 GCSE awards.

"These will now be based solely on the centre assessment grades provided by schools and colleges.

"We will work immediately to implement this decision, with GCSE results published on Thursday August 20.''