First Minister: 'Too soon' to book or rule out foreign travel this summer

Executive waiting to hear from travel task force before making call

Author: Tara MclaughlinPublished 26th Mar 2021

Stormont Ministers say they are waiting until next month before deciding official advice around international travel.

It comes as pressure ramps up to provide clarity.

Earlier this week health chiefs said it should be ruled out due to rising covid cases in Europe and the emergence of new variants.

Yesterday the Executive confirmed it will adopt the UK's coronavirus 'red list' approach.

Brazil and South Africa are on the current list of countries from which entry to the UK is banned.

Work is also underway to introduce hotel quarantine plans for travellers arriving from abroad.

There are currently no international flights landing in Northern Ireland.

"So I think it's too soon to say whether people are going to be able to go on international travel.

"The global travel task force is reporting on the 12th of April so we look forward to receiving that report.

"My view is it's perhaps too soon to be booking your holidays but it's too soon to be ruling them out as well."

Meanwhile the Deputy First Minister said she understands the frustration around the foreign travel issue.

However, Michelle O'Neill agreed no guarantees can be given:

"People are really desperate for something to look forward to and I understand that and I feel that myself so I think it's understandable that people are very disappointed by what was said.

"It's still difficult to predict whether or not there'll be travel come the summer, we hope to be able to give clarity when we can unfortunately it's just too far out to give people 100% guarantees because you can't do that in a pandemic."