Face masks to become mandatory

Executive confirms they must be worn in enclosed spaces from Monday

Author: Tara MclaughlinPublished 6th Aug 2020

The First Minister says wearing face coverings in shops and enclosed spaces will become compulsory from Monday.

Following a extensive Executive meeting, Stormont ministers also agreed to pause the reopening of pubs in Northern Ireland until next month.

The First Minister said the decision was taken because of the concern around the level of community transmission and the prioritisation of the reopening of schools.

"We have set a new indicative date of September 1,'' she said.

"I want to acknowledge that the hospitality sector have been working very hard with us, they have been in partnership with us right throughout this issue and this is not a reflection on the hospitality sector, rather it's a reflection on the fact that the R rate has risen, there is a rise in community transmission and we always said there is a need to work together to try and push that down.

"We have decided to make face masks mandatory in enclosed spaces where you can't social distance, from Monday.

"Retail workers will not have to wear masks, it's those people coming in to the shops that we are asking to wear masks.

"It's about trying to give confidence to people who feel vulnerable and maybe have been shielding and we are asking the public to work with us and listen to what we are asking them to do.''

Arlene Foster said there will be a radio and TV campaign to encourage people to wear face coverings.

"The Education Minister has brought forward an education restart paper, new guidance will be going out and the idea is that we will have all pupils back by the end of August,'' Mrs Foster added.

"The deputy first minister and I have agreed to set up a high street task force, and that's to deal with the real issues facing our high streets.

"We recognise there is a number of ongoing issues and upcoming issues that will challenge our high street and we want to engage with that sector and deal with those challenges.

"Theatre and concert halls can open on a restricted basis from August 8, with an indicative date of September 1 for the return of audiences.

"We are going to permit spectators to be present at indoor sporting venues from August 10 but we have also said that further work is needed to risk assess the reopening of soft play areas and other venues.''

Minister of Education Peter Weir said that all children will return to school by next month.

This includes pupils in special schools.

"This is a strategic prioritisation that the Executive has given to education, Mr Weir said.

"It is positive news for our parents, teachers and society as a whole, particularly for our young people that they will be able to fully access education.

"For years one to 10, they will be returning on the basis of protected bubbles of whole classes, and for years 11 to 14 try to minimise movement between classes. All the other protective measures that we have put in place and suggested to schools previously remain in place so we are looking after the health and safety of our young people.

"Full guidance will be issued to schools next week. The idea is to try and have the maximum level of social distancing, but the overriding issue is to ensure we have full classes.''