Extra places granted at Bangor and Strangford to ease school crisis

The Department of Education have granted additional places to both Bangor Academy and Strangford Integrated College.

Author: Sasha WyliePublished 30th May 2018

40 extra places have been granted to Bangor Academy, while 19 were given to Strangford Integrated College, following the school placement crisis.

The Department of Education approved the Temporary Variations on Wednesday - to help ease the pressures in the North Down and Strangford areas.

Nearly 350 families were left with little or no choice after they received the news that their children didn't receive a place in any of their top 4 choices - and some where left with no alternative.

Strangford MLA Peter Weir has welcomed the news.

The DUP MLA said:

"I strongly welcome the decisions of the Department of Education to approve the Temporary Variations applications for 40 additional places at Bangor Academy and 19 additional places at Strangford Integrated College.

This will greatly ease the pressures in the North Down and Strangford areas, and come as a great relief to many families who have been left with much worry and disappointment.

The Department has operated within policy but shown they were willing to listen to our concerns, and to show flexibility and common sense in implementing policy and arriving at this policy.

"Due to the complex way that school places are allocated this will still take some time to fully roll out, and some parents may still be left with problems.

"Along with colleagues I will work with parents until we have everything resolved, and there need to be further work done, possibly involving other local schools, but nevertheless this is a tremendous and positive step forward which will go a long way to resolution."

Steven Agnew MLA was also pleased that some pressure has been eased. He said :

"I've been working hard with families affected and so I'm delighted for them that 40 extra places have been made available at Bangor Academy and 19 places at Strangford Integrated College.

"I realise that some children may still not have a place at a school. The move by the Department should solve the matter for most families, but I'll continue to work with those still seeking a resolution".