Essex Lorry Deaths: Mayobridge man granted extradition appeal

Lorry driver Eamonn Harrison, 23, is wanted for his alleged role in the deaths of 39 Vietnamese people who died in Grays, Essex.

Author: Sarah MckinleyPublished 12th Feb 2020

A Mayobridge man wanted in connection with the discovery of 39 bodies in a lorry container in Essex has been granted permission to appeal against his extradition to the UK.

Eamonn Harrison (23) appeared at the High Court in Dublin this morning.

He faces 39 charges of manslaughter, charges of conspiracy to traffic people and conspiracy to assist unlawful immigration.

Mr Justice Donald Binchy accepted arguments raised by Harrison's defence team related to the issuing of the European Arrest Warrant.

His lawyers claimed there were "manifest errors" in the original warrant.

They contended that when additional information was sought from the UK authorities that that information was provided by the Crown Prosecution Service, instead of an judicial authority.

Judge Binchy said there was a need to explore the points raised in a higher court.

He formally made an order granting extradition to the UK, but placed a stay on the execution of that order pending the outcome of the Court of Appeal proceedings.