As E-day approaches how will the campaign in NI pan out?

General Election
Published 6th Jun 2017

With just two days to go until the polls open in General Election 2017, POLITICAL CORRESPONDENT JORDAN MOATES sets the scene

The last few weeks played host to a number of clashes between the Conservatives and Labour … with predictions of a Tory landslide not looking just as certain as they did at the start of the campaign.

However, in Northern Ireland it would be fair to say to a certain extent parties are going through the motions.

This campaign was one they had not scheduled into their planners for 2017.

Given there were two assembly elections in the last year as well as a referendum, election fatigue could well be setting in.

Parties have released their manifestos, content wise there was little in terms of surprises.

Despite that, there are some interesting things to watch out for in this election.

For example, will the Ulster Unionists lose their two seats?

Can Alliance win back East Belfast will Sinn Fein’s recent gains put SDLP seats at risk?

And, can the DUP increase their number of MPs.

Come Friday morning the answers to all those questions will be clearer.