DUP: Edwin Poots set to name new First Minister

Edwin Poots
Author: Nigel GouldPublished 8th Jun 2021
Last updated 8th Jun 2021

DUP leader Edwin Poots is expected to announce a party ministerial reshuffle later today (Tuesday).

This will include naming a new First Minister.

However, it is understood Arlene Foster will remain as FM until the end of a British-Irish Council meeting in Enniskillen on Friday.

Mr Poots is meeting selected party members ahead of the announcements being made throughout Tuesday.

Downtown Radio & Cool FM caught up with Robin Swann today and asked him about the new appointments.

Meawnhile, the roles will be designate at this stage, with the appointments post-dated to take effect later.

It has been widely speculated that Lagan Valley MLA Paul Givan will be named as the new First Minister designate.

The new appointments come as the DUP has been left reeling by a number of resignations.

The latest member to leave described the "mind-blowing arrogance'' of some during a meeting to ratify the appointment of the new leader.

South Down DUP constituency association chairman and councillor Glynn Hanna, his daughter Diane Forsythe, association member Richard McKee, and councillor Kathryn Owen all announced their resignations this week.

The latest to quit is Upper Bann association member Roberta McNally.

In her resignation statement posed on social media, Ms McNally referred to scenes at a party Executive meeting to ratify Mr Poots as leader last month.

"Having been at the meeting myself, I also witnessed senior members telling people to put their hands down to enable the vote to be open,'' she said.

"It was clear that those of us who did put our hands up were being noted.

"The arrogance of some senior members at the meeting was mind-blowing.

"I personally, until now, have enjoyed my time in the DUP and it was a great privilege to be elected onto the executive.

"I am extremely sorry to say that I informed the Upper Bann chairman of my resignation.''