Downtown/Cool FM help Belfast kittens find new homes

A group of around 40 Belfast kittens at the Cats Protection have all found new homes, thanks to Downtown/Cool FM.

Damien Edgar
Published 27th Aug 2017

The kittens were being looked after at the Centre two weeks ago, with an unusually high number taken in.

The staff there believe the good weather had led to more cats being on the streets and therefore higher number of feline pregnancies.

When Cool FM covered the kittens, they were still trying to find their forever homes.

Just over two weeks later, however, and they have all been adopted.

It's after a video covering the plight of the kittens was posted on the Cool FM Facebook page.

Deputy Manager at the Centre, Andrew Doherty, said they were overhwlemed by the resposne.

"We've had a fantastic response to the Cool FM appeal, " he said.

"We've had a real influx of adoption enquiries over the past couple of weeks and we've re-homed over 50 cats and kittens in that time.

"That's over twice the number of cats we would usually re-home during the same period."

However, the work doesn't stop there for the Centre.

Damien Edgar

They're expecting another 130 kittens and cats in the next few weeks, which means there will be more available for adoption.

And Andrew has this advice for prospective cat owners:

"I think there's a lot of things to weigh up before jumping into adopting a cat," he said.

"One of the main things, a cat or a kitten could be with you for 15-20 years.

"So I would encourage people to call into the adoption centre here in Belfast and we can talk them through all that and show them what fantastic pets cats can make."