Donaldson: Threats will not stop me engaging with UK government on power-sharing

Sir Jeffrey Donaldson said he has been threatened over his engagements with the UK government
Author: Chris BrennanPublished 24th Jan 2024

DUP leader Sir Jeffrey Donaldson said he has faced threats for engaging with the UK Government as part of efforts to restore powersharing.

The MP for Lagan Valley also urged others in the wider unionist movement against opposing a deal that has yet to be agreed.

His remarks came after Conservative former Northern Ireland secretary Julian Smith suggested the DUP has negotiated a "very good deal" on issues around post-Brexit trade arrangements.

The DUP has maintained an almost two-year boycott of the Stormont institutions in protest at Brexit-linked economic barriers on trade between Great Britain and Northern Ireland.

Amid speculation that an agreement is near to being reached, the UK Government has tabled new legislation which it hopes will pave the way for this to be achieved.

Under legislation governing the formation of a devolved administration in Belfast, the Government assumes a legal duty to call a snap assembly election once a deadline for forming a ministerial executive is passed.

The Northern Ireland (Executive Formation) Bill sets a new deadline of February 8 and cleared the Commons on Wednesday.

Speaking in the Commons, Sir Jeffrey said: "As a result of the actions my party has taken, the EU were brought back to the table, there were negotiations, changes have occurred, and further change will come as a result of our actions."

He said: "I hope that the Secretary of State, in advance of reaching an agreement, whenever that might be, on the outstanding issues - which I believe we are moving towards finalising those outstanding issues - then I would hope the Secretary of State for 2023/24 will transfer the funding that the Treasury have committed to and enable our public sector workers to have the pay rise that they deserve."

Sir Jeffrey said threats would not stop him from engaging with the Government.

He said: "I'm proud of the service that I have given, unlike some others, to my country when I put on the uniform of the Ulster Defence Regiment to protect everyone in the community from terrorism and violence.

"And yet today, because of the stirring up that is going on, I was threatened, threatened by those who never put on a uniform, by those who haven't served our country."

He added: "They are threatening people like me, who's working day and night to try and find solutions and to move Northern Ireland forward on a basis that the vast majority of people can support.

"Well I would just say this to those who stir up, and those who threaten: the provisional IRA attacked me in the past, and it didn't deflect me from the task that I have and my colleagues have to do our job and to get the best that we can for Northern Ireland.

"And I will not be deflected now. I will continue on the course. I will continue to engage with the Government until we get the progress that is needed to enable us to take a decision about whether it is sufficient to restore the political institutions."

Sir Jeffrey advised against a "unionism that turns in on itself" in a message to fellow unionists in Northern Ireland.

He earlier said: "Wait until an agreement is reached before you make your final verdict, assess the progress that has been made before you reach your conclusion."

Sir Jeffrey said "there are some", a "tiny minority", who "don't want Stormont back", but said his party is "committed to getting a solution, to moving things forward, to making progress, to resolving the issues that have harmed Northern Ireland".

Northern Ireland Secretary Chris Heaton-Harris described those who had sought to threaten Sir Jeffrey as "cowards and idiots".

He had earlier told the debate: "My focus has always been on facilitating the return of devolved institutions and upholding the Belfast/Good Friday Agreement in all its strands; this Bill is no different and hopefully plays a part in that.

"The UK Government believes in the agreement, it believes in devolution, it believes in localism and it strongly believes in powersharing. That is why I'm today legislating to retrospectively extend the executive formation period to February 8 2024.

"The people of Northern Ireland deserve locally elected decision-makers and want them to address the issues that matter to them."

The minister also claimed there "could be future legislation" if Stormont is not reconvened after February 8, but added: "I do not want to be in that place."

Senior Tory MP Mr Smith said: "(Sir Jeffrey Donaldson) and his team I understand seem to have negotiated also a very good deal with the Government on issues around the Windsor Framework and I hope in the coming days and weeks we will be able to see the results of that work."

He added: "My understanding is that the Government is supporting the final stages of the DUP negotiations.

"There is no bullying, there is no hard demands, there is just support for the work (Sir Jeffrey) is doing with his party and the discussions he is having and a real hope that in making the decision to go back into Stormont if they do, the future for Northern Ireland, the future for young people and generations to come, will be best served by this institution getting back up and running with local ministers and making decisions in the best interests of this key part of our country."