'Deputy First Minister right to say she'd undermined covid messaging over funeral remarks' Arlene Foster

Michelle O'neill
Author: Nigel GouldPublished 10th Sep 2020

First Minister Arlene Foster has said her power-sharing partner did the right thing in acknowledging her undermining of public health messaging over coronavirus.

Deputy First Minister Michelle O'Neill expressed regret that large crowds attended veteran republican Bobby Storey's funeral in Belfast in June.

Coronavirus infection levels have been rising in Northern Ireland since lockdown was eased.

An important meeting of Stormont's ministerial executive later is due to consider social distancing restrictions, and health minister Robin Swann has promised to urge concrete action on colleagues.

It has been two-and-a-half months since Arlene Foster and Mrs O'Neill appeared at a joint post-meeting press conference.

Mrs Foster said: "It is right that the Deputy First Minister has acknowledged the undermining of the public messaging as a result of what happened, and the deep hurt and anger that was caused as a result of Michelle O'Neill's action.

"Those who set the rules must abide by the rules.''

Mr Storey's funeral was investigated by police over potential breaches by mourners of social distancing rules.

Large crowds, with marshals, were present as the cortege passed through west Belfast.

Ms O'Neill initially stood by her decision to attend the service for the senior republican but did apologise to families bereaved during lockdown for any hurt caused by scenes of hundreds of people lining the route.

The First Minister added: "Clearly those investigations and inquiries into the activities at the funeral which we instigated must continue and we look forward to their conclusions as soon as possible.

"Northern Ireland is facing very significant challenges as a result of the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic and it is vital that, as we move forward, we do so on the basis that our messages are clear and that the actions of everyone in leadership do nothing to undermine the collective efforts to beat Covid-19.''

The DUP leader could face a challenge in persuading members of her own party to back any decision to resume joint coronavirus briefings with her partner in Government.

DUP Upper Bann MP Carla Lockhart said: "The consequences of their blatant disregard for the public health message is evidenced in the case count, yet sorry seems to be the hardest word.

"Breathtaking arrogance. What they expect of others they won't do themselves.''

Mrs O'Neill has acknowledged that Stormont's public health messaging capacity had been undermined by the row over the funeral.

She told RTE this week: "It wasn't my intention this would happen, but it did, I accept this and I regret this is the case.

"I accept that we have not been able to deliver clear messaging in the format that was the practice before this controversy.''

Northern Ireland's coronavirus case rate is 35 per 100,000 people.

That is higher than other parts of the UK.

Chief scientific adviser Professor Ian Young said there had been a 20-fold increase in the number of cases since the start of July compared with just a five-fold rise in the number of tests.

The daily average is now over 90.