Countdown to polling day

It's the last full day of campaigning before tomorrow's Assembly elections

Published 1st Mar 2017
Last updated 1st Mar 2017

The 228 candidates will be spending their final hours knocking on doors and making sure their message gets heard by as many people as possible.

Usually nothing is guaranteed in an election, but with a reduction in seats in the Assembly (from 108 to 90) we can say with certainty there will be a few losers this time round.

Probably the most talked about politician during this campaign has been Gerry Adams, and that's not because he is making a return to Stormont, but because Arlene Foster has cast him as the bogey man figure.

It's been a turbulent enough few weeks for the opposition parties, the Ulster Unionists in particular were hit with a controversy around vote transfers.

Of course once the votes are counted it does not mean an automatic return to a power-sharing executive. All commentators are pointing towards the DUP and Sinn Fein being returned as the largest parties once again. And if they couldn't sort out their problems before the election, its unlikely they will be able to in the three week period set aside for negotiations when the polls close.