Chieftains Walk launched in memory of Martin McGuinness

The ‘Chieftains Walk’ in memory of Martin McGuinness will take place on March 25th

Sinn Féin
Author: Sasha WyliePublished 28th Jan 2018

The ‘Chieftains Walk’ (Siúlóid an Taoisigh) in memory of Martin McGuinness will take place on March 25th and the McGuinness family are urging the public to get involved to raise funds for the NW Cancer Centre at Altnagelvin Hospital.

Sinn Féin President Elect Mary Lou McDonald joined the McGuinness Family to announce the event at Grianán Fort on Sunday.

Fiachra McGuinness commented: “Grianán was a very special place for my father. He loved to walk up to the fort so when we were considering an event to hold in his memory, a walk from Glenowen to Grianán was the obvious thing to do.

“We are hoping as many people as possible will get involved and register online to take part. We want to raise awareness about amyloidosis and all proceeds will go to the NW Cancer Centre at Altnagelvin Hospital, which again is something very much associated with my father. He was a driving force behind ensuring the Centre was established in the first place and it will be fitting if his legacy can help support the fantastic service being provided there.”

Every registered participant in The Chieftains Walk will receive a bespoke commemorative medal.

Entry fee is £10 and you can register via the Chieftains Walk Facebook page or online at