CAMPAIGN: Victim of stalking joins call for NI legislation

High-profile journalist Allison Morris speaks out as part of Downtown & Cool FM's campaign

Author: Sasha WyliePublished 25th Feb 2020
Last updated 25th Feb 2020

We continue our campaign to bring in stalking legislation by hearing from a survivor of the crime.

Leading journalist Allison Morris told Downtown Radio and Cool FM her story and why she wants specific legislation brought into Northern Ireland.

Please click this link to sign our petition.

Allison told us she suffered abuse for years from her ex partner, who made hundreds of phone calls a day to her phone, set up fake twitter accounts against her, and stood outside her work staring in.

The Irish News Security Correspondent told us how it impacted on her, and how the system nearly 'broke her'.

She said "I was well used to daily abuse, text messages, emails, Facebook messages, ranting, threatening phone calls.

"But when I went to the police, they weren't able to take action as there is no laws here in place when it comes to stalking."

"When I made contact with the police, I thought that would be the end, how wrong I was. All it did was enrage him more, and he got smarter about what kind of abuse he could and couldn’t get away with."

Allison told us what kind of abuse she suffered over a four-year spell.

"He contacted my employers, my work colleagues, my union, my friends, my family, politicians. He phoned social services and made false reports about my grandchildren, causing my family enormous distress," she said

She said she wanted to tell her story to help other victims of stalking and to help bring in legislation for stalking.