Brokenshire steps down as SoS

It's understood he is resigning due to health issues.

Press Eye
Author: Naomi HollandPublished 8th Jan 2018
Last updated 8th Jan 2018

Northern Ireland Secretary James Brokenshire has quit the Cabinet in the first of what are expected to be a number of changes as Theresa May reshuffles her top team.

The Northern Ireland Office confirmed his resignation, but gave no further details.

However, a source close to the 50-year-old minister said he had decided to stand down because he was facing major surgery within the next couple of weeks.

The Old Bexley and Sidcup MP is a close ally of Mrs May, having served under her for five years at the Home Office, and he was not among ministers who were predicted to go in the Prime Minister's first major reshuffle since she took office.

Explaining his decision, a source close to Mr Brokenshire said: He has a small lesion on his right lung and is getting major surgery in the next couple of weeks.''

In his letter of resignation to Mrs May, Mr Brokenshire said he expected to be able to return to work relatively quickly'' after his operation.

Letter from James Brokenshire to PM (NIO)

But he said he recognised that he would not be able to give the effort, energy and complete focus needed at this important time'' and therefore believed thatthe right thing at this time is for me to stand down from my current responsibilities''.

In response, Mrs May said it was absolutely right that you should put your health first, for your sake and that of your family''.

In an apparent signal that he may be in line for a return to Government once he has recovered after surgery, the PM said Mr Brokenshire would have continued to do a good job'' had it not been for his illness, adding:I very much look forward to working alongside you again when you are back to full health.'