Brick lands on baby cot in "hate crime" attack in Antrim

Windows in house smashed in early morning incident

Antrim hate crime attack
Published 12th Apr 2017
Last updated 12th Apr 2017

A baby escaped injury early today after a hate crime attack on a house in Antrim.

A piece of a brick used to smash windows at the Tarragon Park home landed in the 1-year-old Nadia Grezchnik's cot

The child was not in the cot at the time, only because the tot was ill and with parents, Patrick and Martyna Grezchnik at the time in the same room.

baby's cot

Police have slammed those behind the attack as “reckless” and “a hate crime”.

And they have appealed for information.

Baby Nadia

Sergeant John Hamilton said: “At 2:20am today, two windows at the property, one at the front kitchen and one at an upstairs bedroom were smashed. The piece of brick used to smash the upstairs window landed in a 1 year old baby’s cot.

“However, due to being sick the baby was lying with their parents at the time. These reckless actions could have caused serious injury had this not been the case.

“We are appealing to anyone that may have any information or to anyone that may have witnessed any suspicious activity in the area at the time to contact Antrim police on the non-emergency number 101, quoting reference 80 of the 12/04/17. Or, alternatively if someone would prefer to provide information without giving their details they can contact the independent charity Crimestoppers and speak to them anonymously on 0800 555 111.”