Bombardier wins US trade dispute protecting thousands of Belfast jobs

Aerospace giant Bombardier has won its case against United States proposals to impose tariffs of 292% on its imports to America.

Author: Tara MclaughlinPublished 26th Jan 2018
Last updated 26th Jan 2018

The US International Trade Commission (ITC) said rival manufacturer Boeing did not suffer injury from Atlanta-based Delta Airlines' order of Bombardier's C Series passenger jets.

The C Series wings are produced in Belfast and this latest development will safeguard thousands of jobs.

In a statement the company said: "Today's decision is a victory for innovation, competition, and the rule of law.

"It is also a victory for US airlines and the US travelling public.

"The C Series is the most innovative and efficient new aircraft in a generation.

"Its development and production represent thousands of jobs in the United States, Canada, and the United Kingdom."

Unite assistant general secretary Steve Turner said: "Bombardier workers in Northern Ireland and throughout the supply chain in UK will be breathing a huge sigh of relief that the International Trade Commission has seen through Boeing's baseless complaint.''

"When the going got tough Unite did not throw the towel in, our members and shop stewards redoubled their efforts in bringing pressure to bear on politicians in Washington, Westminster, Brussels and Northern Ireland.

"The C Series is a world beating aircraft made by world class workers. There can be no backsliding from the US government on this decision.

"Unite looks forward to continuing to work with Bombardier to secure future sales and investment to ensure a bright future for Northern Ireland workers and the thousands across the UK in the supply chain.''

Susan Fitzgerald, Unite regional officer for the union's membership at Bombardier in Northern Ireland, said: "When the story is told of this dispute it will be one of how, in the absence of a genuine effort by politicians and the UK Government, workers themselves had to take the fight on.''

She added: "Bombardier itself now must reiterate its commitment to the Northern Ireland workforce and end the outsourcing of jobs to low-cost centres."