‘Bob for apples at home this year’ Swann’s Halloween plea

Author: Chelsie KealeyPublished 8th Oct 2020

Christmas may still be on the cards for children in Northern Ireland, but it looks like Halloween will be a lot different this year.

Children have been urged by Stormont's Health Minister to skip the normal Halloween activities like trick or treating and instead bob for apples at home.

Robin Swann was replying to Downtown Radio and Cool FM during his media briefing yesterday (Wednesday).

He suggested the traditional Halloween games such as bobbing for apples are brought back within households instead.

“I would encourage everyone who can stay in the house to stay in the house,” he said.

“There are Halloween activities that children across Northern Ireland can partake in that don't involve extra community interactions, don't involve them walking round streets or neighbourhoods”

Yesterday 828 positive Covid-19 cases were recorded from 6,003 tests and one new Covid-related death was reported by the Department of Health.

Coronavirus cases have increased dramatically in recent weeks, and the number of hospital admissions are also on the rise.

Large events, such as Londonderry's famous Halloween festival, have already been called off to stem the spread of the virus.

The Health Minister said families should look to enjoy Halloween at home this year.

He said: “Maybe this year if they look to what they can do within the house.

“There is many an apple I bobbed for, I think if a lot of those Halloween activities that a lot of us used to partake in were brought back maybe for this year as a novelty factor, that we could maybe forgo trick or treating for a year.''

The Executive is due to meet today to discuss the current coronavirus situation across the country.

The Deputy First Minister, Michelle O’Neill, described the rise in cases here as, “seriously worrying”.

She also hinted at yesterday’s committee meeting that further restrictions might been needed to curb the spread of the virus.

The First Minister, Arlene Foster and Ms O’Neill are due to give a press briefing later today, which will be streamed on Cool FM’s Facebook and Twitter.