Belfast man takes on new marathon challenge

Brian McGeown is running 10 marathons in 5 days in aid of 5 charities.

Brian McGeown
Published 4th Oct 2017

Brian is no stranger to extreme challenges - last year he ran four marathons in 24 hours. This year he's putting more pressure on himself by doing 10 of them in 5 days.

He started his epic journey in Middleton in County Cork on Monday and is making the 262 mile trip to Belfast where he hopes to arrive on Friday.

Brian’s running in aid of five charities but the main benefactor will be the suicide awareness charity PIPS. He hopes to help dispel the stigma attached with young men that it's ‘weak’ to discuss your emotions and feelings. In light of the many recent young suicides, Brian wants to raise attention to the services PIPS offer but also to promote that it's ok to talk about your problems.

He says:

“This will be the toughest personal challenge I've ever set myself.

"I aim to run 10 marathons in 5 days in aid of some amazingly worthwhile charities in order to raise both awareness and money to assist them in what they do.

"Please be generous. I really appreciate all your support and thank you for any donations”.

Other charities benefiting from Brian’s run will include Mencap, the Children’s Heartbeat Trust, Barretstown and the Makaton Charity.

If you would lilke to donate you can visit Brian's Virgin Giving page:

He has also set up a Facebook page ‘Gonna Run What?’ where he’ll be blogging his journey: