Beattie urges new SoS to deliever on legacy consultation

UUP MLA Doug Beattie says new Secretary of State, Karen Bradley, must deliver on a long-delayed consultation on legacy matters.

Press Eye - Doug Beattie
Author: Downtown/CoolFM Staff ReporterPublished 10th Jan 2018

The Ulster Unionist Party’s Justice spokesperson, Doug Beattie MC MLA, has called on the new Secretary of State to hit the ground running and set a date for the commencement of the public consultation on Troubles legacy issues.

Doug Beattie MC MLA, said:

“There is no time for the new Secretary of State (SoS) for Northern Ireland - Karen Bradley - to bed in. She must immediately set a date for the release of the public consultation on how we deal with Troubles legacy issues.

“For some time now the Ulster Unionist Party has been calling for this important consultation to begin without delay. This will enable victims and survivors’ groups, the public and all political parties to see what is being proposed and to have the opportunity to have their say and influence the debate.

“With the resignation of James Brokenshire MP, it is imperative that the new SoS makes the date for the release of the consultation known as early as possible. Any delay will just kick the can down the road and leave those waiting for justice let down once again.

“The Ulster Unionist Party has made it clear that it has major issues with several aspects of the proposed Legacy Bill and the various legacy mechanisms contained within it. However, we believe the public must have their say and we will robustly put our concerns before the people and the UK Government as part of the debate.

“It’s time to take a step forward in dealing with the legacy of the Troubles and I therefore call on the new Secretary of State to waste no time and immediately set a date for the beginning of the consultation process into what should be included in the proposed Legacy Bill.”

Her predecessor James Brokenshire failed to open the Bill to public opinion last year due to the ongoing political impasse.

Karen Bradley has already said legacy issues will be at the forefront of her thinking.