Arlene Foster: 'No prospect' of Stormont deal

Discussions to restore devolved government here have failed, after DUP leader Arlene Foster said there is 'no prospect' of a deal.

Author: Tara MclaughlinPublished 14th Feb 2018

In a statement, Mrs Foster said attempts to find a stable and sustainable resolution had been unsuccessful.

She said: "In our view, there is no current prospect of these discussions leading to an Executive being formed.

"It is now incumbent upon Her Majesty's Government to set a budget and start making policy decisions about our schools, hospitals and infrastructure.

"Important decisions impacting on everyone in Northern Ireland have been sitting in limbo for too long.

"I had dearly hoped that we could have restored an Executive and local ministers could have taken those decisions.

"That is not possible at this time.

"Northern Ireland is best governed by local ministers who are accountable to local people."

The development has ended discussions aimed at ending the 13-month impasse at Stormont.