Archbishops of Armagh call for Lough Neagh task force to avert disaster

Blooms of the algae have covered large parts of the lough
Author: Chris BrennanPublished 19th Sep 2023

The Archbishops of Armagh have said the response to the outbreak of toxic blue-green algae at Lough Neagh has been "too slow" and called for a task force to "avert disaster".

Blooms of the algae have covered large parts of the lough, which is Ireland's largest freshwater lake and supplies 40% of Northern Ireland's drinking water.

Archbishops John McDowell and Eamon Martin said in a statement that the lough was facing an "environmental disaster" and that the issue was not being given the necessary attention.

"In this, the season of harvest and creation we share the grave concerns, expressed by many, about the future of our beautiful and precious Lough Neagh," they said.

They added: "In recent days, we have heard words of reassurance from those charged with protecting Lough Neagh.

"Still, the algae bloom persists and poses a real threat to livestock, pets and humans.

"It is indiscriminate in nature and a blight on the natural landscape and ecosystem.

"We are facing an environmental disaster and, as church leaders, we worry that the issue is not being given the priority it deserves.

"Before Lough Neagh approaches the point of no return, a collective examination of the causes and development of a robust plan to save this unique and ancient ecosystem is needed."

Blue-green algae can pose a health risk to people, pets and wild animals who come into contact with it or ingest it.

Contact or ingestion can cause skin rashes, eye irritations, vomiting, diarrhoea, fever and muscle and joint pain.

Nitrogen and phosphorus from agricultural fertiliser running off fields is believed to be a major contributory factor in the growth of the algae which is linked to excess nutrients in the water.

Climate change has also contributed to the degradation of Lough Neagh which has seen temperatures rise by 1C in just 20 years.

Bishops McDowell and Martin said the response to battle the algae growth was not fast enough.

"Each one of us is called to be a custodian and a steward of creation, we all share a collective responsibility to safeguard the beauty and wellbeing of our natural surroundings and must maintain and preserve the lough for future generations to enjoy.

"We cannot take it for granted," they said.

"Our primary concern is that the response is too slow and is tied up in multi-agency bureaucracy.

"Whilst multiple stakeholders debate the remit of responsibility, Lough Neagh and those who live near and around it suffer.

"There is a clear need for decisive leadership.

"We must identify the causes of pollution and devise an action plan capable of arresting the decline."

The bishops are urging that a task force comprised of experts and relevant agencies be formed to submit a report outlining procedures and actions required to "avert a disaster".

The Ulster Unionist Party environment spokesman Tom Elliott MLA has called on the head of the NI Civil Service, Jayne Brady, to hold an interdepartmental, cross-agency summit to address the Lough Neagh algae growth.

"We appreciate that Daera has taken some action with the creation of a water quality steering group, but action cannot be taken by one department alone," he said.

"The blue-green algae blooms at Lough Neagh are incredibly alarming, and I have written to the head of the Civil Service to ask her to call for an emergency summit of the relevant executive departments, arms-length bodies and other stakeholders to plot a way forward for the good of all.

"These organisations need to be kept informed and involved in the process of tackling this emerging crisis."