Could Alliance go back into the executive?

The party was launching its manifesto in East Belfast this morning

Published 21st Feb 2017
Last updated 21st Feb 2017

The Alliance Party has refused to rule out re-joining the executive after the upcoming Assembly election.

Leader Naomi Long said "It's not about people, personalities and parties."

"It's about policies and practice and being able to deliver for the people of Northern Ireland."

"If we can do that most effectively in the executive, we will step up to that challenge."

"But if we can do it most effectively in opposition, then that's where we will be."

At last year’s election Alliance turned down the opportunity to take up the Justice Ministry.

Mrs Long says the party's stance hasn’t changed.

"If people are willing post this election to enter the election with good will, to undertake the necessary reforms and to focus on the issues that will make a difference to the people."

"Then we will be part of that executive, if we can be."

"If they go back with the same intent as last time."

"To carve up power not share it."

"To ignore the needs of the community by using petition of concern to override public opinion."

"If they continue with the secrecy and lack of transparency around donors and finances."

"Then that is not an executive we can be part of."

During last year’s election campaign the then party leader David Ford set out his stall in terms of the number of seat he would like to see the party come back with.

This time round his successor was playing her cards close to her chest.

"A good election result in the context of reducing numbers would be for us to hold firm.”

That would be an excellent election result because it would be an effective gain."

At yesterday’s DUP Manifesto launch Arlene Foster was too ill with the flu to take any questions from the media.

Before she began her speech Mrs Foster said she had "man flu".

This morning Naomi Long was also feeling a little under the weather and made a tongue and cheek reference to Mrs Foster.

“I always thought man flu was an invented disease, all I know is I have real flu.”