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Cash for Kids events coming up across Northern Ireland in 2024

Strictly Event - In aid of Cash for Kids

Get your dancing shoes on for a night full of glamour and ballroom! Hosted in early summer, this event will raise funds for Cash for Kids and Cancer Fund for Children.

Skydive on Saturday 27th July or Sunday 11th August

Looking for a thrill? Why not take part in a Cash for Kids Tandem Skydive at Skydive Ireland! Jumping from 15,000ft, you’ll see some incredible views and walk away with an experience of a lifetime.

Worried about the typical Northern Irish weather? Don’t be! The team at Skydive Ireland will work closely with you to re-schedule your dive if something prevents your jump on the day.

Community Challenge – March 2024 – Closing date for entries Friday 16th February

Does your child attend a community group which desperately needs more funding?

Cash for Kids Community Challenge will support up to 20 local grassroots organisations and community groups to fundraise as much as they can over four weeks.

Keeping 100% of the money they raise, with additional prizes to be won, these groups will use the money to support the disadvantaged children in their setting by updating equipment, running events, subsidising payments and more!

Last year's top fundraiser received an incredible £14,087 to help support their charity’s work in the local community.

Sign ups close on Friday 16th February and you can register your group here now!

Sports Challenge – Sponsorship Opportunity – Launches July 2024

Do you have a child who is part of a sports club? Are you a coach for a local team who really need more funds? Maybe you simply want to see the younger generation getting active? Why not take part in our Cash for Kids Sports Challenge!

Sports clubs across the province are given four weeks to fundraise as much as they can, with the guidance and support of the Cash for Kids team. Keeping 100% of what they raise, we help to empower them to reach out to local businesses, grow their network and use social media to support their service.

With a prize pot of up to £10,000, with top placed prizes receiving an additional £5,000, £2,500 and £1,500, why wouldn’t you get involved?!

Does your business have a heart for seeing the future generation of sports stars thrive, especially those facing disadvantage? Reach out to the team about becoming a Cash for Kids Sports Challenge sponsor!

Schools Challenge – Sponsorship Opportunity – Launches June 2024

Has your child’s school experienced funding cuts? Perhaps a family member is a teacher and has been struggling? Schools across Northern Ireland are struggling to provide the education, care and support their pupils so desperately need due to funding cuts and budget restraints.

Schools Challenge supports schools across Northern Ireland to fundraise over four weeks, with last year’s winners raising an incredible £40,000!

We’ve seen the money raised used for sensory rooms, outdoor learning, replacing worn out resources, basic essentials kits, school uniforms and more.

With four weeks to fundraise in the month of October, why not reach out to your local school about this amazing opportunity?

Your business could support the Cash for Kids Schools Challenge through a sponsorship, showcasing your support of the bright young minds in our schools today.

Colour Dash – TBC Summer 2024

Our Colour Dash will be back - watch this space for more information!

Mission Christmas

Helping to ensure over 20,000 children and young people across Northern Ireland had gifts under the tree in 2023, now more than ever we need your support for 2024!

We could not have helped as many children without the incredible support of businesses, fundraisers and donators across Northern Ireland.

If your business wants to help ensure a child wakes up to gifts under the tree this year, reach out to the team today!

How to Contact Us

You can email us at if you want to get in contact with the team.

Similarly, follow us on socials (@cashforkidsNI) to keep up to date with the latest goings on in Northern Ireland 😊