Woman with breast cancer overwhelmed by stranger's act of kindness

"Having cancer has shown me that there are a lot of good people in this world."

Published 7th Dec 2016

A mother-of-three diagnosed with breast cancer went out to eat with her family, and was stunned by the note left by their waitress.

When Jerina Edwards went out to eat with her family after church, she was met with an amazing gesture from a stranger at the restaurant.

At the end of her meal, the waitress handed Jerina a note from an anonymous customer, which read: 'I lost my wife to cancer five years ago. I know how tough it can be going through this. Your meal is on me. Merry Christmas.'

This prompted Jerina to post the note on Facebook, publicly thanking the stranger for their kind act.

"More than anything, having cancer has shown me that there are a lot of good people in this world," Jerina wrote.

"It has been hard, I have fought, I have been sick, tears have been shed, I have missed out on things, I have lost my hair, and I will lose my breast, but I will live."

"My parents will still have their daughter, my husband will still have his wife, my children will still have their mother. Whoever you are – thank you."

© Facebook | Jerina with her husband Rich

The response Jerina received was overwhelming, with Love What Matters posting it on their timeline.

As Facebook user Kathy Howard commented on Jerina's post, "It's the little things and thoughtful people that make the struggle easier."