Walkers respond to Monster Munch query - are they actually little monsters?

Finally an answer!

Published 12th Jan 2017

Fans of Walkers Monster Munch were left wondering if for years instead of snacking on claw shaped crisps, they'd actually been snacking on monster shaped crisps!

A Twtter user shared a picture of the crisp stood up and pointed out that they in fact look like monsters with long arms and tiny feet and Twitter users were soon retweeting the picture .

© TheSeshLad Twitter

Well now Walkers have responded to clear up the matter...

This could have been another case of where we'd been viewing a product one way when actually it was meant to be used differently.

It turns out we've been putting hair grips in upside down for years, the straight edge actually goes in facing up not down, and those really small sauce holders in fast food chains are actually meant to be stretched out!