Sun, sea and celebrities, who would you rather holiday with?

Beyoncé, Kanye West or the Obamas?

Published 21st Dec 2016

As 2016 draws to a close many people are looking to book holidays for next year but who is your inspiration?

A recent poll by has revealed that celebrities are the second highest source of inspiration for getting your beach bod, behind travel blogs & social media channels.

As a result of these findings they looked into which celebrities the public would rather holiday with and suprisingly Kanye West & Kim Kardashian came in both the love list and the hate list!

In fact there were three power couples in the holiday love list including Kimye, with American President and First Lady Barack & Michelle Obama at third and Beyoncé & Jay-Z in first place, with 41% of those surveyed wanting to go on holiday with them.

If you're hoping to rub shoulders with Beyoncé & Jay-Z then Paris might be the place to visit as the pair have been spotted there, whilst Michelle Obama has been spotted in sunny Spanish resort of Marbella.

© PA Images

CELEBRITY HOLIDAY PARTNERS – THE LOVE LIST: 1. Beyoncé & Jay-Z (41%) 2. Kanye West & Kim Kardashian (24%) 3. Barack & Michelle Obama (16%) 4. David Attenborough (11%) 5. Anthony Joshua (8%)

When it came to the hate list President-elect Donald Trump came out top with 58% of the vote and former prime minister of the UK David Cameron came in at number three.

Surprisingly popstars Taylor Swift and Cheryl Cole also featured in the hate list.

CELEBRITY HOLIDAY PARTNERS – THE HATE LIST: 1. Donald Trump (58%) 2. Taylor Swift (17%) 3. David Cameron (10%) 4. Kanye West & Kim Kardashian (10%) 5. Cheryl Cole (5%)