One in 10 say they have had to carry out bizarre tasks for their boss

What's the weirdest thing your boss as asked you to do?

Published 9th Jan 2017

A recent survey has revealed at that one in 10 people are asked to carry out bizarre tasks by their boss, ranging from dusting books with a paintbrush to deleting all emails and files from the boss’s computer!

Amazingly one in 13 have also been so unhappy with the tasks they've been given that they have left their job!

Some of the 2000 people who responded to this survey conducted by working animal charity SPANA, have told how they were sometimes given unusual and even inappropriate tasks by the boss including working overtime so a colleague could go home to have sex with his partner, as it was the fertile point in her month! Awks!

Less outrageous tasks included shredding paper manually, separating security pins from tags and typing phone contacts into spreadsheets.

Here are the top 50 unexpected tasks given to employees by their boss.

Have you ever been asked to do some of these?


Sweep the floors Cleaning toilets Clearing up rubbish Feeding animals Unknotting Christmas lights Cuddle someone Type phone contacts into a spreadsheet Removing hair from hairbrushes Stack books Play computer games Pack and stack boxes Erecting fences Wash people’s hair Plan a wedding Soak and peel the labels off bottles Cut pre-made sandwiches into triangles Peel the pith from satsuma segments Shredding paper manually due to a broken-down shredder Polish cutlery with vinegar Hand grating massive bowls of cheese Attaching security tags / labels to products Teach English to foreign colleagues Remove stitches Taste testing Separating security pins from tags Dressing up as a cartoon character Stacking coat hangers Dust books with a paintbrush Dress in a sandwich board in public Wear fake tan and wax chest Wear revealing or indecent clothes to model in Packing fish Do all the boss’s Christmas shopping Cleaning the top of changing room mirrors Stuff crackers Colour separate skittles / sweets Being a Sports mascot Remove poo from swimming pools Cleaning up road kill Post false good comments about the company online Fire someone, even though it wasn’t your place to do so Fill donuts with jam Chopping the heads off kippers Write Christmas card jokes Eat dog food Delete all emails and files from the boss’s computer Pose as a member of the opposite sex for the day Spy on senior management Buy underwear for the boss’s wife Stand in a line pretending to queue for the sales