This man taught himself to knit for the most adorable reason

It's never too late to learn something new.

Published 25th Nov 2016

Ed Moseley, a pensioner in Georgia, USA has taught himself to knit at the age of 86.

Dogwood Forest Assisted Living care home announced that they would be knitting little hats for premature babies, to keep them warm and Ed wanted to be part of it. However there was one problem for the care home resident, he didn't know how to knit, so he asked his daughter.

Ed told the local website, Atlanta Journal-Constitution. “Bless her heart, she went... and got a starter loom kit, yarn and instruction kit for me. So I started slowly and learned it just takes patience."

In time Ed begun to excel at his new hobby taking just an hour to knit a little hat, even teaching his fellow residents and staff how to knit the tiny hats.

His inspiration has even stretched as far as his granddaughter's school where the kids have been learning to knit.

In total the care home donated over 300 hats of which Ed personally knitted 55!

It just goes to show you're never too old to take up a new hobby.

Good on you Ed!