This Instagram star's photos reveal a secret dangerous message

Her account highlighted an important subject.

Published 6th Oct 2016

The Instagram account of Louise Delage shows a young Parisian girl posting photos of herself having fun. However after two months and ten thousands of followers later and the real reason for the account has been revealed...

It turns out Louise Delage is not her real name and in fact this account was created to highlight the problems of alcoholism and addiction. Nearly every photo posted on her Instagram account shows her drinking alcohol and those that don't show her with alcohol are usually related to her suffering from a hangover.

Although some followers guessed at the message the account was trying to subtly hint at, many didn't and it wasn't until a video was posted explaining the reasons that everything became clear.

An English version of the video can be viewed on YouTube.

'Louise' is actually a French student recruited by Paris advertising agency BETC who were working with Addict Aide on a new campaign to help people get sober.

BETC president Stéphane Xiberras explained that it's very easy to miss the signs of addiction, "She's the girl next door, she could be your daughter or someone you know," he said.

Stéphane is very happy with the impact the campaign has had, the video has had over 500,000 views across social media and it became a trending topic on Twitter in France, however he was disappointed that not more of the followers picked up on Louise's alcohol problem.

Did you follow 'Louise' on Instagram? If you did, did you pick up on her alcohol problem?