This girl’s selfie went viral for a very odd reason

Hundreds of people commented on her photo

Published 9th Jan 2017

When you post a photo of yourself looking all glamorous to your social media accounts, you don’t expect the Internet to go into overdrive about the mess of your room… but that’s exactly what has happened to one poor girl.

Twitter user Alyssa from America shared the snap of herself in the mirror to her Twitter followers and it didn’t take long for it to go viral due to the sheer amount clothes, shoes and make-up on her bedroom floor.

Alyssa captioned the shot with ‘Going to dinner because I needed an excuse to wear this’.

But by the looks of the reaction on Twitter, nobody was interested in how good she looked in the stunning black gown.

Others were able to see past the messy room and complimented the girl on her outfit.

Alyssa’s tweet has been retweeted over 4,000 times and has nearly 1,000 comments from complete strangers.

After receiving criticism, Alyssa decided to set up a Go Fund Me page where she says, ‘Pay my tuitions and I’ll clean my room’.

Trying to reach a goal of $10,000, the girl wrote, “Many of you have expressed concerns with the state of my apartment. I hear them. However, being an adult with adult expenses, it is sometimes difficult to find time to give attention to less pressing needs. I have a full time job and a part time job, and I attend college full time. For those of you who don't attend college full time, that's 40 hours + ~20 hours + (1 hour per class x 2 times per week) x 4 classes per semester = 68 hours per week. I won't even add into that equation time spent studying, eating, or sleeping; however, those are necessary components of many human lives, mine included. This new internet fame I have encountered has given me a unique opportunity to make the most of my time. If I reach my goal ($10,000 = 1 year of tuition at my school), I will quit my second job and devote my life to cleanliness. I will be forever grateful if you help me fulfil this dream of mine. Thank you.”

So far Alyssa has raised $65 of her $10,000 target.