This girl found something amazing in her bath bomb

Lucky girl!

Published 5th Jan 2017

When Twitter user kennessy was given a bath bomb by her boyfriend she got an amazing surprise.

As the blue bath bomb dissolved in the water a small plastic ball floated to the top containing another surprise.

Inside the clear plastic ball was a ring!

© Twitter/kassidyrun1

kennessy tweeted her photos at the end of December and they have since been retweeted over 30,000 times and hearted 49,000 times, with people from all over the world congratulating the lucky girl.

However when the tweet went viral kennessy was quick to point out that it is actually a promise ring and not an engagement ring as many thought.

She also admitted that she could hear something 'jiggle' inside before it dissolved.

While most people loved the idea one Twitter user commented, 'Fragrant Jewels, don't be surprised' referring to the website where you can buy bath bombs with rings inside them. However kennessy wasn't deterred by these comments simply replying, 'it's the thought that counts girlfriend'.

There are a few different companies who sell similar products. On Fragrant Jewels website describe their bath bombs as being handmade 'only using the highest-quality ingredients and oils' with each bath bomb containing a beautiful ring.

Congratulations kennessy!