This castle has 'lost' a room and the owners are appealing for help in finding it

It was originally in north Wales.

Published 6th Jan 2017

Gwydir Castle in Conwy, North Wales has been lovingly restored by its current owners, but they have recently become stuck.

Peter Welford and Judy Corbett have spent 22 years restoring their Tudor castle, but it turns out that part of the castle was sold to an American tycoon in the early 20th century and is now missing.

The couple initially took to Facebook to appeal for the missing room in November last year, but in recent days there has been more interest in their appeal, particularly from the US where it is thought the missing room might be.

Posting on Facebook the couple said, 'Can you help us find our missing room?

'The Oak Parlour from Gwydir (see photo below) was bought by William Randolph Hearst, the American newspaper tycoon (Citizen Kane) in 1921.'

Accompanied with a photo they continued, 'May be someone will recognise the photograph below and will tell us where our room is. Wouldn't it be wonderful to bring it home to Wales?'

People from all over the world have posted helpful comments, but at present the whereabouts of the room is still unknown and the couple are still searching, commenting on Facebook that they are trying to access a warehouse the Hearst family have to see if any of it might be there.

Hearst Castle was built by the newspaper tycoon and was influenced by his travels to Europe as a child. He originally bought the Oak Parlour (missing room) for his castle, however parts of it were instead installed in his apartment in New York which was partly demolished in 1930.

Hearst Castle is mid-way between Los Angeles and San Francisco in California, overlooking the Pacific Ocean.

> Happy New Year from the staff at Hearst Castle! Here's to a wonderful 2017. We will be closed on January 1, 2017 but...> > > Posted by