The 'best' celebrity boss has been revealed

Who would you rather work for?

Published 17th Nov 2016

If you had to work for a celebrity who would it be?

Research conducted by Purple CV has revealed that Sir Richard Branson comes out top with 34% of those surveyed saying they would love to have him as their boss.

Other popular celebrity bosses included star of The Apprentice, Sir Alan Sugar and founder of Facebook, Mark Zuckerberg.

Bottom of the list were the founders of Google, Larry Page or Sergey Brin, US president-elect Donald Trump and Philip Green.

When it came to good 'boss qualities' loyalty (21.8%) and rewarding of hard work (32.3%) were the most important, compared to being naturally authoritative which came out low at just 5.8%.

Which celebrity entrepreneur would you most like to work for?

Sir Richard Branson: 34% Sir Alan Sugar: 17.5% Mark Zuckerberg: 16% Oprah Winfrey: 13.5% Elon Musk: 13.8% Victoria Beckham: 13.1% Sheryl Sandberg: 3.1% Larry Page or Sergey Brin: 2.9% Donald Trump: 1.8% Sir Phillip Green: 1.7%