When is it acceptable to put up your Christmas decorations?

Are yours up already?

Published 1st Dec 2016

December is here finally, so does that mean it is ok to put up your decorations?

According to research by online furniture retailer Furniture Choice, the first of December IS when it is acceptable to get out your decorations, but not before!

Of the people surveyed 30% of them said that visitors blocking their driveway is the most annoying thing about their neighbours at Christmas, but 66% would never confront their neighbour about their annoying habits.

Are you one of those people?

A staggering 93% of participants said they don’t think THEY are the annoying neighbour, but if you've put your Christmas lights up too early then you could be.

Nationally the results revealed the top five things which Brits find annoying about their neighbours during the festive period are: 1. Visitors blocking their driveway (30%) 2. Putting Christmas lights up too early (17%) 3. Visitors leaving their house drunk (16%) 4. Playing Christmas music extremely loud (16%) 5. Not joining in with the festive spirit (13%)

So bear that in mind if you're having a Christmas gathering with your friends!