Rory ebbs and flows on Irish Open Day Two

Rory McIlroy
Published 7th Jul 2017
Last updated 7th Jul 2017

It’s Day Two of the Irish Open – crucial for some of yesterday’s struggling group including Rory McIlroy. NIGEL GOULD was on the course early tosee the tournament host.

The notoriously challenging Portstewart course was even moretesting this morning …

Wind gusts and driving rain greeted the early three-balls whichincluded Rory McIlroy and his playing partners Hideki Matsuyama and Jon Rahm.

McIlroy was first to tee off and produced a typically longdrive from the 10.

From thereon in his game ebbed and flowed – he was +1 at onestage, then back to level par and by the sixth he gave himself a half chance,going one under. By the seventh, though, he was back to par again. 

Meanwhile, overnight leader Daniel IM was making light ofthe heavy conditions – through 10 in -2 to leave him -10 overall fortournament.

Portrush’s Graeme McIlroy will out early this afternoon andwill be hoping for another good day after yesterday’s excellent -5 performance.

However, it looks like the tournament could be over forDarren Clarke – he was +2 by the fourth hole leaving him +5 for the two days.