Pienaar expects emotional Ulster farewell

Brian Little/PressEye
Published 5th May 2017

Ruan Pienaar will today end his 7-year association with Ulster Rugby.

His departure comes after a well-documented and controversial IRFU decision which has disappointed fans, the club, and the player himself.

The scrum-half is off to join Montpellier in France, with his final playing season in Belfast ending with a meaningless interpro clash with Leinster.

"It's been tough and everything is now hitting home. A couple of months ago when I really realised I couldn't stay it felt like the distant future, but it feels like it's happened overnight. It's not going to be easy and it's been pretty emotional already."

"It was always my aim to win silverware here and I still believe it's a good enough squad and I think they'll add a couple of good players and I'll support them in the future."

"I'll never regret coming here, it's been incredible and I'll be very sad to say goodbye because I've loved every minute."

"We've really got the best of the best here and it's a special place."

The fixture also marks the end of the line for Roger Wilson, and coaches Neil Doak and Allen Clarke.

"There will be a lot of tears between all of us because Ulster's been a part of our lives for a long time now so hopefully we can have a special evening and a good send-off."

Pienaar also outlined his intention to one day return to the Kingspan.

"I'd love to come back to Belfast. This is all my kids know - they've grown up here. My family and I have grown so fond of this place and for us this is home so we'll see what happens."