Commonwealth Games: Northern Ireland 'optimistic' 2026 event will take place

It comes after the Australian state of Victoria pulled out of hosting the Games

Northern Ireland medallists from the 2022 Commonwealth Games, Amy Broadhurst, Dylan Eagleson, Jude Gallagher, Aidan Walsh, Michaela Walsh and Carly McNaul.
Author: Gareth McCulloughPublished 18th Jul 2023

The 2026 Commonwealth Games are in doubt after the Australian state of Victoria pulled out of hosting them.

The government there claims the cost has trebled because of plans to hold the event across five regional cities.

The boss of Commonwealth Games Australia, Craig Phillips, says state leaders "wilfully ignored" recommendations to move sports to purpose built venues in Melbourne.

In a statement from the Commonwealth Games Northern Ireland Organising Committee, they said they were hopeful the 2026 Games would still go ahead.

"This has come as a shock to us, the Commonwealth Games Federation, and our fellow Games Associations across the 72 nations and territories," it says.

"We share the disappointment of all those who had worked diligently to this point to deliver the Games in Victoria, especially the staff at the Organising Committee, the CGF, and our colleagues at Commonwealth Games Australia.

"We remain optimistic that the Commonwealth Games can be held in 2026, and we will support the Commonwealth Games Federation as they endeavour to secure a new host.

"The Commonwealth Games play an important role within Northern Ireland sport, providing athletes, coaches, and support personnel with world class competitive opportunities. Birmingham 2022 was our most successful Games ever, and we will continue to work with partners to maximise the efforts of recent years as we await further developments regarding 2026."