Woman settles Craigavon sexual harassment case

A woman from Portadown has settled a sexual harassment case against the Wah Hep Chinese Community Association in Craigavon for ÂŁ6,000.

Published 12th Apr 2017
Last updated 12th Apr 2017

Jing Yueh Huang-Porterfield alleges that a manager at the Association made sexually offensive and inappropriate comments during her employment between February 2015 and October 2016.

Ms Huang-Porterfield had been working in an administration role and reported her grievance to her employers, but became ill due to stress and eventually resigned.

“I liked my job and enjoyed being able to advise and support Chinese people," she said.

"It was very upsetting when my manager began to make inappropriate sexual comments and gestures towards me.


"I did not ask for or encourage this behaviour, I wanted it to stop. I wanted to go to work and do my job without worrying about what the next inappropriate sexual innuendo would be.

“I did raise a grievance with my employer, but I became ill due to the stress of the situation I found myself in and I had to go on sick leave.

"I felt I had no option but to resign from my job. I wish none of this had happened to me, it was an awful experience.

"I feel I have lost a job that I enjoyed through no fault of my own, but it would have been impossible to have stayed there.”

The case was brought with the help of the NI Equality Commission, who said that a harassment-free workplace should be the minimum standard for employers.


Anne McKernan, Director of Legal Services at the Equality Commission, said: “Women are entitled to dignity and respect in the workplace - as are all workers – and employers must deal effectively and promptly with any allegations of improper treatment or behaviour.

"It must be emphasised that there is a legal duty on employers to prevent harassment such as that alleged by Jing–Yueh from happening.

"All employers should know that they must have firm policies and procedures in place to deal with situations where a member of their staff feels they are being harassed and how important it is that those policies are consistently implemented.”

The Association, without admitting any liability, said it regretted any upset caused to Ms Huang-Porterfield during her employment.

It has also committed to working with the Equality Commission on its sexual harassment policies and procedures.