Vaccination programme to open to 18-25 year-olds imminently

Health Minister says he will make announcement in 'very near future'

Author: Tara MclaughlinPublished 26th May 2021

Northern Ireland's vaccination programme will be extended to include adults aged between 18-25 soon.

Health Minister Robin Swann made the comments as he commended the ongoing work by Northern Ireland’s health and social care system to keep people safe from COVID-19.

A range of developed programmes are in place – including vaccination, widely available COVID testing and contact tracing.

He said: "The successful roll-out of our vaccination programme continues, with over 70% of our adult population having now received their first dose and over 40% fully vaccinated.

"We need to maintain this momentum and I plan to announce the programme extension’s to 18-24 year olds in the very near future.

"Alongside vaccination, contact tracing, testing and self-isolation following a positive test remain the cornerstones of our ongoing public health response.

"I would again appeal to the public to work with us and keep playing their part in preventing the spread of the virus. That’s how we keep each other safe and protect the hard won progress we have achieved."