Twelfth of July parades to go ahead

2020 saw parades cancelled and replaced with the "12th at home".

Bushmills in July 2015.
Published 1st Jun 2021

The Grand Orange Lodge of Ireland has confirmed that 12th of July parades will be held in 2021.

Following engagement with health chiefs, the Orange Lodge is taking back previous rules that no parades would take place until 1st of June.

The parades will be smaller, and more localised this year.

Formally announcing the decision, Grand Master Most Wor. Bro. Edward Stevenson said: “I am delighted that we can confirm there will be Twelfth of July parades this year.

“As an Institution we have had to make great sacrifice over the past 12 months and more, but we are now in a better place and our parades can take place, albeit in a slightly different format to a normal year.”

The current regulations are such that the traditional County or combined District Twelfth parades are not possible. Instead, it has been agreed that localised Twelfth parades will be held in accordance with the regulations in effect at that time.

He continued: “In 2020 we had the Twelfth at Home and this year we will have smaller local parades, so it will be a Twelfth near home for most members. This is a positive step towards a return to our normal full parades - hopefully in 2022.

“The regulations at this time do not permit the huge numbers many of our normal demonstrations would attract. We have to be realistic about that.

“The Orange family has played an important part in our community’s fight against Covid-19. Unlike others in our society, we have sought to show responsible civic leadership and it important that we continue to do so to protect the health of not just our own members but the entire community.

“While the events may be smaller than usual, it will be good to get back on the road with our fellow Brethren, our bands and with the support of the entire Orange Family.”