TUV confirms partnership with Reform UK

The move was announced at the party conference on Saturday

TUV leader Jim Allister speaking at the conference in Kells on Saturday
Published 16th Mar 2024

Reform UK has struck an electoral partnership with the Traditional Unionist Voice party that will see them run agreed candidates in Northern Ireland.

A memorandum of understanding between the parties was announced as Reform leader Richard Tice attended the TUV conference in County Antrim on Saturday.

The TUV is a vocal opponent of the post-Brexit trading arrangements that have created economic barriers on the movement of goods between Great Britain and Northern Ireland.

The party is a scathing critic of the DUP's decision to agree a deal with the UK government on trade that saw it drop its two year blockade of powersharing and return to devolved government at Stormont.

TUV leader Jim Allister announced the General Election deal between the parties as he addressed the conference in Kells.

He insisted the DUP had no mandate for its return to Stormont, as he accused his unionist rivals of performing a somersault to become implementers of Brexit's contentious Northern Ireland Protocol.

"There ought to have been a fresh Assembly election," he said.

"Having run away from that, however, they must face the electorate in the General Election.

"That is where their acceptance of the Irish Sea border, EU law, the suspension of Art 6 (of the Acts of Union) and, yes, their fawning acceptance of Sinn Fein rule, will hit the road.

"Unionists who still refuse to take the knee to the Union-dismantling protocol must have the opportunity to have their say, remembering a protocol implementer is a protocol implementer whatever his party label.

"I am therefore delighted to announce TUV's partnership with Reform UK in the upcoming election.

"Like TUV, Reform UK speaks its mind, takes on the establishment and is driven by principle, not power.

"Our principles are neither optional nor for sale, but they are the stuff of conviction politics. We speak truth to power.

"Unfamiliar as it is in today's political world, Reform UK and TUV are parties you can trust.

"Trust to say what they mean. Trust to stand firm. Trust not to rollover.

"Today we will formally endorse a joint platform by publicly signing a Memorandum of Understanding and going forward we will announce agreed candidates from both parties across constituencies."